Google Shopping Ads Services

  • Showcase your products directly in Google’s search results
  • Increase sales by directly targeting those interested in your products
  • Drive more qualified traffic to your eCommerce portal
  • Gain massive visibility across the Google Display Network
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Trusted by leading Australian companies

What Our Clients Say

“It was clear to see their proposal was tailored to our business. It wasn’t just a cookie-clutter response that shows what they do for every other company that they work for. The guys have already gone in, done their research, looked around, looked at what they could improve things and have already created a bit of a framework.”

Kat Diprose
Marketing Manager
Bisley Workwear

“What AdVisible did is they opened up our mind and they opened up our business to multiple platforms… It’s the first time we’ve ever had a really good positive consumer acquisition cost. We try to aim for a very specific number and they hit that within the first two weeks which is unheard of. Advertising is going really well.”

Marketing Director
Lockeroom Gym

“I was expecting AdVisible to show me some changes within about 6 months. But within the first month, I already saw increases in sales. I went from doing 4 sales a week to 4 sales a day, almost overnight and it’s only grown from there. It’s been an amazing experience to see how fast the business has grown with the help of AdVisible.”

Stu Shannon
Growth Labs Australia

“A lot of the agencies over promise and under deliver. But when we met AdVisible they asked us all the right questions and over delivered.

Other than delivering a fantastic website and profitable advertising campaigns, the biggest benefit has been working with an agency that actually cares. The benefits of working with AdVisible, have been greater and greater the longer we’ve been partners. We continue to see great improvements every year.”

Daniel Chanisheff
Practice Principal
Green Square Health

“Having a professional digital marketing agency such as AdVisible on board when we launched, helped us grow and scale quickly. The new website they designed and campaign results exceeded our expectations.

What’s even better is AdVisible have a genuine interest in not only our brand and products, but also our continued growth.”

Jie Yu
Let's Face It

After being with another company managing our SEO and Google Ads, we were left very disappointed by a lack of results and understanding of our business. We went in search of a company that could deliver what they promised, and AdVisible did just that.

If you want a team dedicated to ensuring your success, I cannot recommend AdVisible more highly – they truly deliver on their guarantee!

Daniel Linnett
Sydney Photographic Workshops

Reach high-intent users with Google Shopping advertising

Focused audience
Put your product in front of an audience that’s ready to buy

Increase conversions
Drive qualified traffic to your website to increase sales

Flexible budgets
Spend as much or as little as you like, and scale as needed

Wide-scale reach
Leverage the Google Display Network for unparalleled visibility

Our approach to Google Shopping

Google Shopping is a unique ad format, and we know exactly how to help you unleash its potential. Our proven Google Shopping campaign management process has helped grow thousands of eCommerce businesses just like yours. Rest assured: we know how to set your campaign up for success.

Andrew Hou CEO & Co-Founder
Ivan Teh Digital Strategist & Co Founder
Jennifer Valverde People & Culture Manager
  1. 1. Discovery and analysis

    Your best team members know the product inside-out. We strive to do the same. We get to know everything there is to know about your offering, as well as your customers and your competitors. Our analysts also take this opportunity to delve into your website and Google Ads performance to understand what’s working, and where Google Shopping fits in.

  2. 2. Campaign strategy and set-up

    With our knowledge, expertise, and insights into your business, our team gets to work crafting your Google Shopping advertising strategy. We also help you set up your Google Merchant Center account (if you don’t have one already), and upload your product feed into the platform, so all your products are ready to go.

  3. 3. Shopping Ad creation

    Once you’re happy with the strategy and direction, we create your Google Shopping Ads. Our creative and search team create beautifully curated showcases of your most popular goods online, and compel users to convert.

  4. 4. Monitor, improve, optimise

    The work doesn’t stop once your campaigns are live. We relentlessly track your results and look for opportunities to improve your results. From bumping up your ROI to decreasing your cost-per-click and increasing your conversions, we’ll fine-tune your campaigns for ongoing performance.

Featured Google Shopping Ads Projects

My Muscle Chef

300% Increase in Overall Revenue

Bisley Workwear

4700% Surge in clicks for just women's workwear alone!


1,039.94% Increase in Revenue


400% Increase in Organic Traffic

Catch Fitness

171.47% Increase in Overall Revenue


2,533% Increase in Goal Conversion rate

Online Lighting

274% Increase in Unique Transactions

SK Group Oz

5150% Increase in impressions YoY

Tiny Mobile Homes

2244% Increase in Conversion Actions

APC Technology

350% Surge in conversions in just 2 months!


400% Increase in Enquiries in the first 3 months


+20 High Competition Keywords on the first page in just 3 months!

Bridges Alliance

840% Increase in non-branded impressions overall for SEO

Showcase your products to targeted customers

Put your product in front of your audience at the exact moment that they’re searching for it, and make the purchase process seamless. That’s exactly what Google Shopping helps you achieve. Google Shopping campaigns allow you to showcase your products directly in Google’s search results when a user searches for relevant keywords — increasing conversions in the process.

As the leading Google Shopping agency in Australia, we help you reach users with visually striking product listings they find directly on Google Search, as well as across the Google Display Network. With easy-to-read ads, focused targeting and a user-friendly interface, your audience will have no reason not to hit that ‘checkout’ button.

A seamless shopping experience for your customers

If you’re an eCommerce retailer, the dream is to bring relevant visitors to your website who are interested in (and ready to buy) your products. Google Shopping allows you to target users that are searching for your product with a beautiful, relevant product listing, then funnel that traffic to your site to seal the deal.

When you have the right targeting and product listings in place, Google Shopping becomes your best salesperson. Our team of analysts use Google Merchant Center and Google Ads to create campaigns that attract attention from a ready-to-buy audience, and bring them directly to your eCommerce platform. Too easy.

Optimised for customers and conversions

Almost 80% of all ad spend on Google goes towards Google Shopping.To see results from Google Shopping, you need to be better than your competition — and you can only do this by measuring your results, learning from them, and optimising your campaigns. How can you achieve this? Simple: work with AdVisible.

AdVisible is a Google Premier Partner, which means Google itself recognises us as the best of the best. We combine Google best practices, industry know-how, and over 10 years of experience, to help your business get the most out of Google Shopping and outbid your competitors.

Get a FREE consultation now

Customers love to shop online, so put yourself at the forefront of their minds with our expertise. Talk to us about our Google Shopping tactics today.

Frequently asked questions

What is Google Shopping?

Google Shopping (formerly Product Listing Ads) allows you to insert your product listings directly into Google’s search results, so consumers can easily find and buy from you online. These listings appear every time a user searches Google for a product-related keyword, and are displayed either on the top of search results or on the right-hand side of the page. Product listing ads also appear in the dedicated “Shopping” tab under Google’s search bar, and across the Google Display Network, YouTube, and Gmail.

So how does it work? Google Shopping works by linking two separate platforms: Google Merchant Center, and Google Ads. First, you upload your product feed into Google Merchant Center, then link it to your Google Ads account. From there, you can set up a campaign and start displaying your products for relevant searches. Once a user clicks on your ad, Google Shopping directs the traffic directly back to your website.

Google Shopping is, hands down, one of the most effective platforms for eCommerce retailers to showcase products to a targeted, relevant audience. Plus, like Google Search, Google Shopping campaigns work on a pay-per-click (PPC) model, which means you only pay for results.

How can Google Shopping help grow my business?

There’s a reason why almost 80% of all retailers use Google Shopping: it gets results. Your customers are always on and always shopping. Even when you’re sleeping, they’re searching for your products and services. Even if you have a physical store, they’ll use the internet to find what they’re looking for. If you’re not there, you’re losing out on valuable opportunities to showcase your products at the exact moment they’re looking to buy.

Google Shopping helps you put your products in front of anyone searching for your product, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. With all the information about your product housed in one place, Google Shopping provides the ultimate convenience for shoppers — making it easier for them to find you and buy from you.

What is the best approach for Google Shopping advertising?

There are two components you have to lock down to have a high-performing Google Shopping campaign: your product listing and segmentation.

The product listing is essentially a gateway between your products and your potential customers, and each attribute needs to be filled out and optimised to give you the best chance of appearing at the top of search results. From your product description and photo to price, colour and size, it’s important to pay attention to every detail to improve performance and encourage click-throughs to your site.

At the same time, you need to make sure your campaigns are appearing for relevant searches — not just any loosely related search term. For example, a broad term like “women’s shoes” will have a far lower conversion rate than “Nike red women’s shoes”. Allowing irrelevant keywords to come through is a surefire way to send your product listing to the bottom of Google Shopping results, fast.

Finally, above all else, Google Shopping requires constant monitoring, testing and optimisation if you want to benefit from incredible ROI and more sales. At AdVisible, our team of analysts constantly report on and improve your campaign to ensure your products are directly reaching your target audience at the moment you’re ready to buy. It’s what makes us the best provider of Google Shopping management services.

What are common challenges with Google Shopping?

Like the internet, Google Shopping is a crowded place, which means it’s hard to stand out. If you’re selling black shoes and your competition is also selling black shoes, you need to effectively showcase your product’s point of difference — otherwise it’ll all boil down to price. Many businesses think that simply having a Google Shopping campaign translates to sales. The truth is, it requires a lot of consideration, expertise, and non-stop optimisation to see results. You need to have impactful creative, descriptive copy, comprehensive product information, and focused targeting (to name a few). Your product feed has to be absolutely spot-on.

Another mistake we see a lot of businesses make is not setting up the right bidding and campaign structure. The beauty of Google Shopping is that you can get incredibly granular with your targeting. You can create more specific campaigns that delve into individual products. You can set different maximum bids for different products, depending on the price and your ROI. On top of that, you can remarket your products to users who have already visited your website or viewed a particular item. If you’re leveraging all of these components, you’re not getting the results you deserve.

However, this is only the tip of the iceberg. There are a lot of moving parts that go into Google Shopping campaigns, which means there are plenty of components that you need to get right if you want a high-performing campaign. If you want to avoid the pitfalls and keep your Google Shopping campaign on track for success, it’s best to work with a Google Shopping agency like AdVisible. We’ve helped thousands of businesses set up, launch, and optimise their Shopping campaigns, and know what it takes to get results from the platform. Get in touch with us today to find out how we can increase sales for your products online.

How long until I see results from Google Shopping?

If you’re a retailer, Google Shopping can transform your business. It brings more targeted traffic to your website, and turns your online store into a well-oiled sales machine. But, like any effective advertising campaign, the results take time. With so many competitors out there bidding on the same keywords with similar products, you need to invest heavily in optimisation to get the ROI you’re looking for.

Every business is different, but we generally advise our clients that it takes around 30 to start seeing results, and up to 90 before your campaigns are optimised for performance. However, this does depend on your industry, the type of products you’re selling, your targeting, campaign set-up, bid structure, optimisation, and more.

If you want to start seeing results sooner rather than later, get in touch with the AdVisible team today. We’ve been working with Google Merchant Center and Google Ads since our inception and understand the ins and outs of the platform like nobody else. Our analysts draw on their decade of digital marketing experience to set up your Google Shopping advertising with industry and Google best practice in mind. Then we monitor the results and find opportunities to optimise your campaigns for performance.

Ready to get started? Reach out to our team here.

How much does Google Shopping cost?

The beauty of Google Shopping is that you spend as much you want to spend. You can set your campaign budget depending on the amount of ad spend you have, and adjust it accordingly throughout the year. If you want to drive more sales in the lead-up to Christmas, you can increase your ad spend during those months. If you want to rein back spend, simply reduce your monthly budget. It’s that simple.

Here’s some more good news. Similar to Google Ads, Google Remarketing and Google Display, Google Shopping operates on a pay-per-click basis. This means you only pay when a person clicks on your ads — and, given these users already know what your product is and have shown an interest in it, these clicks are much more likely to convert.

So how much do you pay per click? We generally find that the cost-per-click ranges from 0.30c – $1.00. However, the amount depends on a number of factors, from your product listing creative and target keywords to your industry, ad quality, and the competition. At the end of the day, if you want to optimise your ad spend and get the most bang for your buck, it’s best to work with an agency that offers Google Shopping campaign management services (that us!).

How do I find the right Google Shopping provider for me?

Hands down, the most important consideration is to look for a provider that understands Google Shopping inside out. Google Shopping is one of the most powerful platforms for eCommerce retailers, so you want to make sure you’re working with someone who knows how to leverage it for your business.

One way to ensure you’re doing just that is to pick a provider with a Google Premier Partner certification. This is essentially Google’s own seal of approval on the agency: it demonstrates that the provider has a proven track record of getting results using the platform, and is up-to-date with the latest Google Shopping features and best practices. It’s also a good idea to ask for case studies of previous Google Shopping campaigns that they have run, to get a sense of their experience and expertise in the platform.

On top of that, a Google Shopping agency should take the time to learn about your business, your products, and your competition. This puts them in the best position possible to promote your merchandise in the most effective way possible online, and drive more qualified traffic to your website.

Last but not least, you need to consider reporting. If an agency isn’t willing to give you access to your Analytics or share your campaign performance on a basis, it’s time to run away. Fast.

Don’t worry — at AdVisible, we tick all of these boxes and more. As your business partners, we learn all there is to know about your business and your industry, and combine that with our industry-leading expertise to set up and optimise your Google Shopping campaigns. And no matter how your campaign is performing, we always report with 100% transparency. It’s why our happy clients keep coming back to us, time and time again.

Why is AdVisible a leading provider of Google Shopping services?

We’re really, really good at what we do. Our passionate team of Google Shopping analysts use their extensive knowledge and industry experience to help you harness the power of Google Shopping. We work hand-in-hand with you to set up your campaigns, optimise your feed, improve your ad performance, and ultimately grow your business.

For the past ten years, our team has helped thousands of companies grow online and offline using the power of Google advertising. Now, we want to bring that same success to your business. Get in touch with us today to request your FREE consultation, and learn how you can take your sales to the next level with Australia’s best Google Shopping agency.