Online Lighting lights up with a 274% increase in Unique Transactions

  • 0 Increase in Unique Transactions
  • 0 Decrease in Cost per Acquisition
  • 0 Increase in Revenue

Stats So Far

  • Over 60% increase in conversions in the first 6 months
  • Further 350% increase in conversions after new website launch
  • 274% increase in unique transactions
  • 178% increase in revenue
  • -50% decrease in cost per acquisition


Online Lighting aims to be the supplier of choice for modern lighting in Australia, delivering everything from minimalist dimmable LEDs to stunning chandeliers at affordable prices. Initially, their online sales and conversion rates were rather low with PPC advertising, with several online avenues failing to deliver a positive return on investment.

We knew that we had to deliver high ROIs quickly to show that Google Ads could be a significant channel for growth. We prepared a data-led strategy and regularly updated the client with a detailed breakdown with fully measurable conversions and ROIs every month to deliver on that trust.

Our Approach

Google Ads

Our analysts conducted a thorough analysis of popular relevant queries and the top-selling products to build our ads around. We created search and shopping ad campaigns that we refined with the click, traffic and conversion data we were getting as a result of our ads to make them perform better.

Website Design

After gaining great results from Google Ads, we recommended a new modern eCommerce website redesign o to take their conversion rate to the next level. The result was a fresh, sleek website that was user-friendly across different devices and built on a strong SEO foundation.

Results So Far

274% Increase in Unique Transactions
Unique transactions help point out the impact of any new digital marketing strategy, as these are all transactions made by new users, not from an existing customer base. Through a whopping 274% increase in unique transactions, it was clear just how big a mark AdVisible was able to make for the client and how much it benefited them too financially.
-50% Decrease in Cost per Acquisition
It’s not enough for a great PPC strategy to only drive up the transactions without lowering the costs, which is why we didn’t stop at setting the benchmark for an increase in sales alone. With a 50% decrease in CPA, we were also able to make the rate of return more profitable overall for every purchase that Online Lighting received.
178% Increase in Revenue
Through our analysts’ combined tactics, we were able to achieve a great win for our client with a 178% increase in revenue. Letting them enjoy not just greater brand awareness but gob-smacking returns!

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Andrew Hou CEO & Co-Founder
Ivan Teh Digital Strategist & Co Founder
Jennifer Valverde People & Culture Manager