Instagram advertising

  • Catapult awareness and engagement with stunning Instagram ads
  • Showcase your products directly to your target audience
  • Integrate products directly into ads for seamless conversions
  • Advertise across Facebook and Instagram for greater exposure
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Trusted by leading Australian companies

What Our Clients Say

“It was clear to see their proposal was tailored to our business. It wasn’t just a cookie-clutter response that shows what they do for every other company that they work for. The guys have already gone in, done their research, looked around, looked at what they could improve things and have already created a bit of a framework.”

Kat Diprose
Marketing Manager
Bisley Workwear

“What AdVisible did is they opened up our mind and they opened up our business to multiple platforms… It’s the first time we’ve ever had a really good positive consumer acquisition cost. We try to aim for a very specific number and they hit that within the first two weeks which is unheard of. Advertising is going really well.”

Marketing Director
Lockeroom Gym

“I was expecting AdVisible to show me some changes within about 6 months. But within the first month, I already saw increases in sales. I went from doing 4 sales a week to 4 sales a day, almost overnight and it’s only grown from there. It’s been an amazing experience to see how fast the business has grown with the help of AdVisible.”

Stu Shannon
Growth Labs Australia

“A lot of the agencies over promise and under deliver. But when we met AdVisible they asked us all the right questions and over delivered.

Other than delivering a fantastic website and profitable advertising campaigns, the biggest benefit has been working with an agency that actually cares. The benefits of working with AdVisible, have been greater and greater the longer we’ve been partners. We continue to see great improvements every year.”

Daniel Chanisheff
Practice Principal
Green Square Health

“Having a professional digital marketing agency such as AdVisible on board when we launched, helped us grow and scale quickly. The new website they designed and campaign results exceeded our expectations.

What’s even better is AdVisible have a genuine interest in not only our brand and products, but also our continued growth.”

Jie Yu
Let's Face It

After being with another company managing our SEO and Google Ads, we were left very disappointed by a lack of results and understanding of our business. We went in search of a company that could deliver what they promised, and AdVisible did just that.

If you want a team dedicated to ensuring your success, I cannot recommend AdVisible more highly – they truly deliver on their guarantee!

Daniel Linnett
Sydney Photographic Workshops

Build brand awareness and drive conversions with Instagram paid advertising

Awareness & visibility
Put your brand directly in your customers’ Instagram feed

eCommerce integration
Drive instant sales with product integration

Grow your community
Build your social following for ongoing marketing

Highly visual
Engage customers with stunning images and videos

Skyrocket awareness & conversions with stunning ads

Reach thousands of potential customers online. Inspire action with stunning visual ads. Grow your followers and market to them, time and time again. All of this is possible, and more, with Instagram advertising in Australia. As one of the world’s largest social media platforms, Instagram is a gold mine of engaged users who love engaging with brands — and are ready to buy.

At AdVisible, we help you unlock the potential of Instagram advertising. Our social media mavens leverage the powerful capabilities of Instagram to create high-performing campaigns for your business. Whether you’re a local cafe, eCommerce retailer or run a bricks-and-mortar store, we’ll create Instagram ads that skyrocket your visibility and bring customers through the door.

Targeted advertising that integrates with Facebook

Narrow down your targeting by location, age, job, interests, or choose a look-a-like audience…Instagram advertising offers it all. Instagram is owned by Facebook, which means advertisers can tap into the vast targeting capabilities of both platforms. This gives you more power than ever to reach your target market with laser precision.

With a billion users on Instagram, it can be tough to narrow down your target audience. That’s where an Instagram advertising agency like AdVisible can help. We understand the different targeting options available on Instagram, and use this to find the combination that works best for your business. All you need to do is sit back, watch your followers grow, and let the sales roll in.

Work with a trusted Instagram Partner

Not all Instagram advertising agencies operate at the same level. Some focus solely on vanity metrics like comments or likes, without having an impact on your bottom line. Others promise the world but fail to deliver. You need to work with the right team if you want to see tangible long-term results from your advertising efforts.

Look no further — that’s us. As an Instagram Partner, we’ve been recognised by the social media giant as a best-in-class agency for our advertising services. We operate as an extension of your team, working hard to ensure you achieve the real-world results you deserve. You put your trust in us. Now let us deliver.

Featured Instagram Advertising Services Projects


400% Increase in Organic Traffic


917% Increase in total conversions

SK Group Oz

5150% Increase in impressions YoY

Our Instagram advertising process

Every Instagram advertising campaign requires strategic planning, flawless execution, and ongoing optimisation. Over our 10+ years in service, we’ve established a clear, streamlined approach to help our clients increase awareness and sales using Instagram.

Andrew Hou CEO & Co-Founder
Ivan Teh Digital Strategist & Co Founder
Jennifer Valverde People & Culture Manager
  1. 1. Discovery phase

    Effective social media advertising begins with strong foundations. When you know your audience and the platform, you can create eye-catching ads that deliver results. That’s why we kick off with a discovery session, where we get to know your business, products, customers, and competitors. This enables us to create a tailored strategy that helps your brand stand out.

  2. 2. Instagram advertising strategy

    How can we best achieve your goals using Instagram ads? That’s the question we answer at this stage. We build out an Instagram strategy that covers targeting, ad formats, creative approach, and more. Our experts also set up tracking and KPIs for your campaigns, which help us report and optimise your ads for performance.

  3. 3. Ad creation

    Once you’re happy with our strategy, we get to work. From Instagram stories advertising to compelling video content, we ensure you shine on your audience’s screens. Our social advertising guns work with our design and content team to develop visually striking creative that grabs attention and inspires action.

  4. 4. Test and improve

    Instagram advertising isn’t just a switch you flip off and on. A high-performing campaign requires constant optimisation for performance and ROI — and that’s why we don’t stop once your campaign is up and running. Our team is constantly monitoring and improving your ads to drive more conversions at a lower cost-per-click. Because when you win, we win.

Claim your FREE consultation today

We’re ready to help you catapult visibility and sales online. Chat to us today to learn how we can grow your business using Instagram advertising.

Frequently asked questions

How long should I run my Instagram ads?

No matter what campaign you run or how many times you’ve run Instagram advertising in the past, it still takes time for Instagram to optimise your ads. Instagram has a built-in optimisation engine that will finetune your targeting, ad scheduling and frequency based on how users engage with your content and your overall objective. On top of this, you need to regularly perform your own optimisations, based on how your ads are doing.

Because of this, we generally recommend our clients to run campaigns for a minimum of 3 months. This gives enough time to capture data and optimise your campaigns to achieve the results you’re after.

How much budget should I allocate towards Instagram Advertising?

It depends on your business. If you have a highly visual product and your target audience is predominantly on Instagram, you should invest more in advertising on this platform. On the other hand, if your customers are mainly using Facebook, you might choose to allocate a minimal amount to Instagram and more to Facebook Advertising. Another factor to consider is your cost-per-click. If you’re in a highly competitive industry, you might have a higher CPC, which means you need to invest more to drive traffic to your website.

The great thing about Instagram advertising is that you can set your budget and scale it up or down as needed. The best way to go about is to start with a smaller budget to test and learn. Once you have an idea of what works, you can invest more to supercharge your traffic and engagement, while maximising your ROI.

As a rule of thumb, most of our clients invest between $30 and $150 per day. However, this varies significantly depending on the industry, the targeting, engagement, ad quality, and more.

Feeling confused? Don’t worry — our social media experts are here to help. Drop us a line today for a free Instagram consultation.

What is a pixel and how does it work?

A pixel is an analytics tool that allows you to track and optimise your Instagram advertising performance. It links your Instagram advertising account to your website’s back end, so you can see the actions that users take on your site.

Why is this important?

It’s not enough to simply put up an Instagram ad. A big piece of the puzzle is understanding how visitors acquired from your Instagram ads behave once they’re on your website. Which pages do they visit? How many of them shop with you, or contact you for more information? When you have data on user behaviour, you can optimise your ads for relevance, targeting and messaging — and ultimately drive more conversions.

On top of this, a pixel also allows you to segment and retarget your audience with tailored messaging in the future. For example, if you have your pixel set up, you can serve up future ads to a visitor that clicked through to your website from an Instagram ad, but didn’t convert.

If you run an Instagram advertising campaign with AdVisible, we’ll help you set up your pixel ASAP so we can start tracking and optimising your ads.

How can I leverage my existing customer lists for Instagram ads?

Good question. There are a couple of ways to leverage your existing customer lists on Instagram ads: you can either use remarketing or lookalike audiences.

As soon as you have your Facebook pixel set up, you can start tagging your site visitors and remarket to them with hyper-focused messaging. For example, you could tag and remarket to your existing customers to drive them to repurchase products with your business. Alternatively, you could target users that have previously visited your website but didn’t convert. The more tailored and targeted your messaging is, the better your ROI from Instagram ads.

Another way to target your existing customers, and audiences similar to your existing customers, is through lookalike audiences. Lookalike audiences are users who are similar to your best existing customers. In this case, Instagram uses a source audience — for example, fans of your page — and identifies some common characteristics of this group, such as age, gender, location, and interests. It then delivers your Instagram ad to people that have similar characteristics.

Both lookalike audiences and remarketing are powerful tools to engage with your customers online and drive more conversions. If you want to get the most out of these targeting platforms, it’s best to work with a team of specialists who know Instagram Advertising inside out (hint: that’s us). Get in touch with us today for a free Instagram Advertising consultation.

How can I monitor my competitors’ Instagram ads?

Monitoring your competition is good practice. It helps you understand what they’re promoting, so you can refine your messaging and stand out with your target audience. There are two ways to monitor your competitors’ Instagram Advertising campaigns: through Facebook Ads Library, or using third-party listening tools.

Facebook Ads Library is free and open to any Facebook advertisers. This is a comprehensive, searchable collection of all ads running across Facebook apps and services, including Instagram. Using the Ads Library, you can search for ads by advertiser name or product category. This information is invaluable when it comes to staying competitive in the marketplace and achieving cut through with your ads.

If you’re working with AdVisible, we’ll also use state-of-the-art third-party listening tools to keep an eye on the competition. This allows us to track the different offers and promotions your competitors are pushing across Instagram, and optimise your campaigns accordingly.

If I’m running Google Ads, do I still need Instagram Ads?

Absolutely. Instagram Ads is one of the most effective advertising platforms out there, full stop. Users on Instagram are more likely to engage with branded content than any other platform.

If you’re running Google Ads, Instagram Ads are a great way to keep your brand top-of-mind. Even after your audience has left your website after clicking on a Google Ad, you can target them with tailored ads in their Instagram newsfeed. This skyrockets your visibility and, over time, increases the likelihood of them making a purchase from you over your competitors.

At the end of the day, the best digital advertising campaigns integrate multiple channels and tactics, and play to each platform’s strengths. This is where a digital marketing agency like AdVisible can help. At AdVisible, we have a team of specialists that work across Google, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and more. With our expertise and experience, we can help you set up the right channel mix and strategy to achieve long-term growth and ROI.

Chat to us today for a free consultation, or click here to see some of our case studies from happy clients.