Google Ads Management Agency

  • Boost your brand visibility on search engines
  • Drive high-intent traffic to your website
  • Get results fast, as SEO can take months
  • Enjoy lower cost-per-acquisition with ongoing optimisation
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Trusted by leading Australian companies

What Our Clients Say

“It was clear to see their proposal was tailored to our business. It wasn’t just a cookie-clutter response that shows what they do for every other company that they work for. The guys have already gone in, done their research, looked around, looked at what they could improve things and have already created a bit of a framework.”

Kat Diprose
Marketing Manager
Bisley Workwear

“What AdVisible did is they opened up our mind and they opened up our business to multiple platforms… It’s the first time we’ve ever had a really good positive consumer acquisition cost. We try to aim for a very specific number and they hit that within the first two weeks which is unheard of. Advertising is going really well.”

Marketing Director
Lockeroom Gym

“I was expecting AdVisible to show me some changes within about 6 months. But within the first month, I already saw increases in sales. I went from doing 4 sales a week to 4 sales a day, almost overnight and it’s only grown from there. It’s been an amazing experience to see how fast the business has grown with the help of AdVisible.”

Stu Shannon
Growth Labs Australia

“A lot of the agencies over promise and under deliver. But when we met AdVisible they asked us all the right questions and over delivered.

Other than delivering a fantastic website and profitable advertising campaigns, the biggest benefit has been working with an agency that actually cares. The benefits of working with AdVisible, have been greater and greater the longer we’ve been partners. We continue to see great improvements every year.”

Daniel Chanisheff
Practice Principal
Green Square Health

“Having a professional digital marketing agency such as AdVisible on board when we launched, helped us grow and scale quickly. The new website they designed and campaign results exceeded our expectations.

What’s even better is AdVisible have a genuine interest in not only our brand and products, but also our continued growth.”

Jie Yu
Let's Face It

After being with another company managing our SEO and Google Ads, we were left very disappointed by a lack of results and understanding of our business. We went in search of a company that could deliver what they promised, and AdVisible did just that.

If you want a team dedicated to ensuring your success, I cannot recommend AdVisible more highly – they truly deliver on their guarantee!

Daniel Linnett
Sydney Photographic Workshops

High performing campaigns that deliver results

Precise targeting
Drive qualified traffic to your website

Maximise conversions
Purposeful ad copy turns clicks into customers

Optimised ad spend
Constant monitoring and optimisation for better ROI

Transparent results
100% visibility across your campaigns

Our Google Ads process

From learning about your business to implementing and optimising your campaigns, we have the process of delivering Google Ads services locked down. We work hand-in-hand with you on a proven four-stage process that will deliver game-changing results for you online.

Andrew Hou CEO & Co-Founder
Ivan Teh Digital Strategist & Co Founder
Jennifer Valverde People & Culture Manager
  1. 1. Business discovery and strategy

    We want to learn everything there is to know about your business. What Google Ads management services have you used in the past? What are you hoping to achieve with Google Ads? Who are your customers? These insights help us build a tailored, high-performing Google Ads strategy for your business.

  2. 2. Campaign Strategy & Set-up

    Based on our previous industry experience and extensive competitor analysis, we get to work building a Google Ads strategy for your business. We use Google best practices, proven structures, and set-ups to ensure your campaigns get off on the right foot. At the same time, we use tracking tools like Google Analytics to see how your Google Ads services are performing, and if they are adequately converting users into customers.

  3. 3. Precise targeting, compelling copy

    It’s time to hit the ground running. Google Ads comes with a suite of sophisticated targeting options, which we use to reach your audience at exactly the right moment — allowing us to reduce wasted ad spend and increase leads. At the same time, our talented experts craft engaging ad copy that captures prospects, drives them to your website, and compels them to convert.

  4. 4. Ongoing campaign optimisation

    We don’t disappear into the sidelines when your ads are set up. As a leading Google Ads agency, we focus on transparent reporting and campaign optimisation to improve your campaign performance. Our Google Ads team uses extensive search data to help you benefit from more conversions at a lower cost-per-acquisition.

Featured Google Ads Projects

My Muscle Chef

300% Increase in Overall Revenue

Bisley Workwear

4700% Surge in clicks for just women's workwear alone!


1,039.94% Increase in Revenue


400% Increase in Organic Traffic

Catch Fitness

171.47% Increase in Overall Revenue


2,533% Increase in Goal Conversion rate

Online Lighting

274% Increase in Unique Transactions

SK Group Oz

5150% Increase in impressions YoY

Tiny Mobile Homes

2244% Increase in Conversion Actions

APC Technology

350% Surge in conversions in just 2 months!


400% Increase in Enquiries in the first 3 months


+20 High Competition Keywords on the first page in just 3 months!

Bridges Alliance

840% Increase in non-branded impressions overall for SEO

Make Google Ads work harder for your business

Want visibility, traffic, leads and conversions? Google Ads can deliver all of these in spades. Google Ads (formerly known as AdWords) is one of the most powerful platforms out there today if you want to reach your target audience online. Using the power of the world’s largest search engine, you can connect with customers at the exact moment they’re searching for your product or service, with a message that compels them to convert.

Too often, companies pour money into Google Ads without seeing the results. That’s where we come in. As the leading agency for Google Ads management in Sydney, we help you reach your audience online and outrank the competition with a powerful, results-driven campaign.

Reach your audience with laser-sharp targeting

Want to target female shoppers between 25-44 in Sydney? Prefer for your ads only to appear on mobile? With Google Ads, the targeting possibilities are literally endless. We help you cut through the noise to reach the right people at the right time, with the right message.

We work alongside you to understand your business and your audience — then turn that knowledge into targeted, game-changing Google Ads campaigns. Our process is solid and effective, and our Google Ads services have achieved real results for thousands of businesses just like yours.

Optimise your ROI

Google never sleeps, and neither do we. Once we have your campaigns up and running, we work around the clock to turn your Google Ads into a lean, mean conversion machine. Through constant monitoring, optimisation, we’ll help you appear higher in search results, all while lowering your cost-per-acquisition.

From audience targeting to the ad copy, keywords and time scheduling, our team of analysts fine-tune every element of your campaign to make sure your ads deliver the results you deserve. As a Google Premier Partner, we’re proven experts in Google Ads PPC management and have access to the latest industry insights and best practices. Trust us — you’re in good hands.

Claim Your FREE Google Ads Audit today

We’ll show you how we can improve your results and create a custom Google Ads strategy for you.

Frequently asked questions

What is Google Ads?

Google Ads are paid advertisements that run predominantly on Google’s search engine results page (SERPs). Also known as pay-per-click (PPC) advertising and Google Ads, Google Ads allows you to put your brand in front of your target market on the world’s biggest search engine.


See, Google has two search engine results: organic (also known as “natural” or “free” results) and paid search results. Paid search results show up at the top of the results page and are denoted with a little ‘Ad’ icon. These are then followed by organic results.

With Google Ads management services, you can bid to have your website appear in the paid search results for specific keywords related to your business. For example, if you’re a florist in Sydney, you might choose to bid on the keyword “buy flowers in Sydney”. This means that if you win, your ad will show up when someone searches for that keyword — and if they click on your ad, you’ll pay Google for that click.

How much do I pay when someone clicks on my Google Ad?

Google Ads work on an auction basis, so it’s tricky to say for certain how much each click will cost. However, there are some industry benchmarks that can help you get an idea of how much you’ll be paying. Bid prices can range from as little as $0.05 per click to the top end of $80.00 per click in hypercompetitive industries. With most clients, we generally find that the cost per click for keywords generally falls between the $0.50 to $5.00 range.

Also, bear in mind that this amount isn’t set in stone. If, for example, your target keyword is highly competitive but you have a high-quality score, you’ll pay less than a competitor targeting the same keyword with a lower quality score. Plus, you can also reduce your cost-per-click with laser-sharp targeting, or by branching out to less competitive keywords. That’s why Google Ads PPC management involves a constant process of optimisation to find that sweet spot for ROI.

Is Google Ads or SEO better for my business?

When it comes to digital marketing, Google Ads and SEO are like yin and yang. You should have both in order to have a balanced campaign that delivers sustainable, long-term results for your business.

Why? Because both Google Ads and SEO share the same goal: traffic to your website. They just give you different ways of getting there, and each has its own benefits and limitations.

The main difference between the two is that SEO is free and organic, while Google Ads is paid. With SEO, you create quality content and optimise your website for Google’s algorithm, which in turn enables your website to rank higher in search engine results. With Google Ads services, you pay to have your website show up in Google search.

There’s also a difference with lead time. With Google Ads, you can set up a campaign today and instantly set it live. This means your website starts ranking in search engine results sooner. On the other hand, SEO is a more lengthy process. You have to develop content, wait for Google to index it, and then tweak and adjust it to improve its ranking. Google’s algorithm is also always changing, so what helps your content rank organically today may not be the same tomorrow. Google also loves fresh new content, so you have to keep churning out new content to come out on top of rankings.

Ultimately, we recommend that you leverage both strategies for your business. With the combination of Google Ads and SEO, you’ll get more traffic coming to your site — which translates to more eyeballs, more leads, and more sales.

How can Google Ads help grow my business?

Google Ads helps grow your business because it puts your brand in front of an audience that’s looking for your product or service. If someone’s searching for the ‘construction services in Wollongong’ keyword, Google Ads gives you the power to say to that user “hey, my business is here!” And with billions of searches every day on Google’s search engine, that’s a level of exposure that you simply can’t get with other advertising platforms.

Google Ads PPC management is also powerful because you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. Unlike offline advertising, where you essentially pay and pray, Google Ads allows you to pay for results. On top of that, it’s scalable — so if you find a keyword that’s working, you can ride that wave and invest more budget on that keyword.

What is the best approach for Google Ads?

The best approach for Google Ads is simple. You test, learn, optimise, and repeat.

Here’s the truth: nobody nails their targeting, bids and keywords from the get-go. It takes time to set up the campaigns, observe the results, and improve upon it for the future. An ad set might not be delivering the clicks you expected; or you might find that you’re getting better conversions from a certain keyword or with a certain user demographic. If you observe those results and learn from them, you can improve your campaigns for next time.

If your Google Ads agency isn’t testing and optimising, you’re not getting the results your business deserves. That’s why at AdVisible, we operate with complete transparency and adopt a results-driven approach. Our digital marketing experts are open and honest about your campaign performance, and will help you tweak your campaigns for maximum ROI. Learn more about our process here.

What are common challenges with Google Ads?

The most common challenges with Google Ads are the strategy and optimisation. It’s easy enough to set up an ad campaign, but that’s not enough. You might be paying for clicks that don’t translate to sales, or you could be paying more than you need to for certain keywords.

For these reasons, it’s incredibly common for businesses to say “I’ve been doing Google Ads but it’s not working as well as I had hoped” — or, on the flipside, for businesses to sink thousands of advertising dollars in without seeing results.

Our team formulates a tailored Google Ads strategy for you based on our previous experience, best practice, and industry expertise. We then implement that strategy and monitor it constantly, to ensure you’re getting the best performance possible from your campaigns.

How long until I see results from Google Ads?

You can have Google Ads up and running fairly quickly. That’s the easy part of Google Ads management in Sydney, Melbourne, and beyond. It’s the optimisation part that takes more time. Once you set a campaign live, you need to wait until there’s enough data to accurately gauge performance and make an educated decision on what to do next. This means it can take anywhere between 30 to 90 days before your campaign is optimised for performance and results.

We should also mention that even once you reach an ROI that you’re happy with, you should never stop optimising. There are always ways to improve your campaigns to ensure that you’re getting the best return possible. That’s why the AdVisible team never stops working hard to finetune your Google Ads to ensure you’re always one step ahead of your competition.

How much does Google Ads cost?

The cost of Google Ads varies, which means there’s no hard and fast answer for this one. Because Google Ads works on an auction basis, the cost for impressions or clicks depends on the ad position you’re shooting for and your targeting, as well as how competitive the keyword is, ad relevance, and your quality score for that keyword.

Don’t worry though — this doesn’t mean that you need to sink tens of thousands into a Google Ads campaign to see results. The beauty of Google Ads is that you can spend as little or as much as you like, and set a monthly budget so you don’t go over. On top of this, the right partner (hint: that’s us!) can help you identify the best performing keywords, optimise your campaigns and finetune your landing pages to lower your CPC and improve your return on ad spend.

If you’d like to learn more about how our Google Ads management services can drive qualified leads and conversions for your business, get in touch with us here.

How do I find the right Google Ads provider for me?

We get it: there are countless Google Ads providers in Australia, which makes it tough to know which one is best for your business.

Firstly, you should choose a provider that’s a Google Premier Partner. This means that they are up to date with the latest product knowledge, and are Google advertising specialists.

Beyond certifications, it’s important to find a partner that understands your business and has delivered proven results for other companies. Ask them questions to make sure they understand your business, and request examples of work for previous clients that align with what you’re looking for. Because of the data-driven nature of Google Ads, you should also look for a provider that reports transparently, and is focused on results.

Finally, remember that optimising Google Ads takes time. If you come across a provider that promises overnight results, or makes grand promises, run away. Fast. Now. (And contact us.)

Why is AdVisible a leading Google Ads agency?

Simple. We have a passionate team of Google Ads experts that are committed to getting you results. We aren’t your agency — we’re your business partners. When you win, we win.

We’ve been in the game for 10+ years and have helped thousands of businesses succeed using the power of Google Ads. Our proven four-stage process allows us to truly learn about your business and your customers, and devise a tailored strategy based on our findings. We’re also 100% results-driven, and completely transparent with our reporting, because we believe that’s the way it should be.

If you want to find out more about how we’ve used Google Ads to help our clients, take a look at some of our case studies here. Oh, and we’re a Google Premier Partner as well — so you’re in good hands.