Website Support Services

  • Support continued growth with regular optimisation
  • Protect valuable customer data with the latest security updates
  • Constant reporting and tracking of website performance
  • Ongoing maintenance for uninterrupted leads and sales
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Trusted by leading Australian companies

What Our Clients Say

“It was clear to see their proposal was tailored to our business. It wasn’t just a cookie-clutter response that shows what they do for every other company that they work for. The guys have already gone in, done their research, looked around, looked at what they could improve things and have already created a bit of a framework.”

Kat Diprose
Marketing Manager
Bisley Workwear

“What AdVisible did is they opened up our mind and they opened up our business to multiple platforms… It’s the first time we’ve ever had a really good positive consumer acquisition cost. We try to aim for a very specific number and they hit that within the first two weeks which is unheard of. Advertising is going really well.”

Marketing Director
Lockeroom Gym

“I was expecting AdVisible to show me some changes within about 6 months. But within the first month, I already saw increases in sales. I went from doing 4 sales a week to 4 sales a day, almost overnight and it’s only grown from there. It’s been an amazing experience to see how fast the business has grown with the help of AdVisible.”

Stu Shannon
Growth Labs Australia

“A lot of the agencies over promise and under deliver. But when we met AdVisible they asked us all the right questions and over delivered.

Other than delivering a fantastic website and profitable advertising campaigns, the biggest benefit has been working with an agency that actually cares. The benefits of working with AdVisible, have been greater and greater the longer we’ve been partners. We continue to see great improvements every year.”

Daniel Chanisheff
Practice Principal
Green Square Health

“Having a professional digital marketing agency such as AdVisible on board when we launched, helped us grow and scale quickly. The new website they designed and campaign results exceeded our expectations.

What’s even better is AdVisible have a genuine interest in not only our brand and products, but also our continued growth.”

Jie Yu
Let's Face It

After being with another company managing our SEO and Google Ads, we were left very disappointed by a lack of results and understanding of our business. We went in search of a company that could deliver what they promised, and AdVisible did just that.

If you want a team dedicated to ensuring your success, I cannot recommend AdVisible more highly – they truly deliver on their guarantee!

Daniel Linnett
Sydney Photographic Workshops

Ensure your site runs smoothly with regular website support

Site maintenance
Keep your plugins working and your site backed up

Save time
Focus on what’s important & let us do the heavy lifting

Security updates
Protect your data against threats and breaches

Technical assistance
Resolve any problems or bugs quickly

Let us look after the technical side

Running a website is hard work. You need to constantly maintain your site and stay on top of updates if you want to deliver a secure, seamless, and consistent experience for your users.. If you lack the time or technical resources to maintain your website’s backend, our Growth and Care Plans are perfect for you.

Our expert team ensures your website runs smoothly around the clock. We keep up with all the technical elements of maintaining a site, so you can turn your attention to what truly matters: making more sales and growing your business.

Protect your customers and your data

Security breaches happen every single day. The world is filled with hackers trying to steal valuable information and data from vulnerable sites. One breach can hurt your business for years to come or, worse yet, put you out of business. Your website needs to be protected against these threats if you want to keep your data safe, and maintain the trust of your customers.

Our website support and website maintenance services leave nothing to chance. We put you in the best position to fend off online security threats to your business, with regular site updates and security plugins. Rest assured — your website and data are in safe hands.

Scale and adapt to the changing landscape

Your website should grow with your business. As you acquire more traffic to your website and more customers, your technical needs also become greater and more complex. You need to constantly adapt your website to ensure it has the capabilities and bandwidth to serve this rising demand.

We keep an eye on your business’ performance and needs, and adjust your website to suit. From regular website updates, uploads and edits to new plugins, plans or additional domains, we keep everything in check for you. All you need to do is focus on your customers and your growth.

Featured Website Support Services Projects

Our support and maintenance process

Even the best websites can’t be set up and left to their own devices. Our technical experts understand the ins and outs of your website’s backend, and use this to provide a complete security, maintenance and backup service for your business. We’re always working hard in the background, so you don’t have to.

Andrew Hou CEO & Co-Founder
Ivan Teh Digital Strategist & Co Founder
Jennifer Valverde People & Culture Manager
  1. 1. Research and discovery

    We start by building our understanding of your business. We learn about your business, your audience, your industry, your competition, and your marketing objectives. Our CRO experts also pore over your website analytics and campaign performance, auditing every piece of data to understand what’s working so far and finding opportunities for improvement.

  2. 2. Website support plan

    We have you covered, whether you are after basic site maintenance or need round-the-clock technical support. No matter what your budget or your requirements are, our team works with you to find the best plan for your website — both now and into the future.

  3. 3. Ongoing support and maintenance

    Our technical team stays on top of the latest developments in the digital space, and ensures your website is in line with industry best practices. We regularly service and back up your site, as well as perform updates for general security and all of your plugins. We’ll also keep an eye out for any bugs that might pop up and fix them ASAP. You’re in good hands with us.

  4. 4. Monitor and review

    Things change online — fast. We stay on top of these changes for you, on top of the regular website support and maintenance we provide as a website support company. We’ll always advise you on the best next steps and keep you posted if there’s a development or update that may affect your website.

Explore our Website Growth & Care Plans today

Let us take care of your website. We’ll tailor a unique plan that suits your budget and your business’s needs. Talk to us today to get started.

Frequently asked questions

What is website support and maintenance?

Website support and maintenance involves regularly keeping your website updated, error free, and performing at its best. This includes:

  • Updating any out-of-date plugins
  • Fixing any broken links
  • Backing up your website regularly
  • Security updates
  • Improving your site speed
  • Fixing any HTML errors
  • Ensuring a consistent experience across browsers and devices
  • Reviewing the website performance to find areas of improvement
  • Optimising pages for SEO
  • Ensuring compliance with government data policies
  • And more

Website maintenance needs to occur on a regular basis. For most websites, ongoing monthly maintenance and a larger twelve-month website audit is the gold standard to adhere to. However, larger websites or more complex websites might need weekly maintenance.

Why is website support and maintenance important?

The work doesn’t stop once your website is finished and live. A website is a bit like a car. It needs to be serviced and maintained in order to perform at its best.

Website support and maintenance helps your website deliver the best customer experience for your visitors and maintain your brand reputation. If a website is buggy or has broken images left, right and centre, this could leave a bad impression on potential customers — and have them running to your competitors.

It’s also critical for SEO. Site performance is one of the big factors that Google’s algorithm considers when determining where you land in search. A website that is fast and responsive, without any major errors or broken links/plugins, has a higher chance of ranking than one that takes a good few minutes to load and redirects visitors to nowhere.

Did we mention security yet? Your data is valuable, and website support helps protect it from prying eyes or hackers. A good website support company (like AdVisible) will help you regularly back up your data and install the latest security updates — ensuring your information is safe and sound. We also make sure your site is on top of any data policies released by the government.

Finally, your scheduled site maintenance is a good time to take stock and review your website performance. It’s a chance to see how your traffic and conversion rates are tracking, and pinpoint areas for improvement.

At the end of the day, website support and website maintenance isn’t a ‘nice to have’. It’s an absolute necessity if you want to keep your website performing at its best and bringing in customers.

What website platforms can you support?

We can support a variety of platforms, including WordPress, Shopify, Squarespace, Bigcommerce, Wix, and more. However, our real area of expertise is WordPress. We custom build and code our clients’ websites from scratch using WordPress, and our developers know the platform like the back of their hand.

With that being said, our savvy website support technicians are adaptable, and happy to assist you with the support and maintenance you require on any platform. Drop us a line today to learn more.

How can website support and maintenance improve my website's performance?

Website support and maintenance keeps your website operating at peak performance. First and foremost, it ensures everything is working as it should and that there are no glaring problems that negatively affect the user experience. Regular support and maintenance is also critical to support your SEO efforts and help you rank well on Google’s search engine results pages. It keeps your site relevant, healthy, and adaptable — both in the short term and long term.

More than this, ongoing website maintenance reveals any gaps or areas for improvement on your site. When you regularly deep-dive into the analytics, you start to notice trends in the data. Maybe traffic is dropping off on a certain page, or your conversion rates are starting to drop. When you diagnose these issues, you can nip them in the bud before they dramatically affect your website performance (or your bottom line).

We help your website stay in tip-top-shape all day, every day. Contact us today for a free website audit and we’ll show you the power of regular site maintenance.

How much does website support and maintenance cost in Australia?

It depends on what you need! We have a number of Growth and Care Plans to suit different types of businesses. After all, if you’re running an eCommerce site, you’re going to need more regular site maintenance than a website with less than ten pages.

Each of our plans comes with a list of regular updates that are included. Any additional updates or changes that are ‘out of scope’ — an alteration that is presented or asked for outside of the regular support or maintenance services — are billed at our hourly rate.

The best way to get an idea of costs is to get in touch with us for an obligation-free chat. During this time, we can work together to find the best solution for your business and your budget.

How do I select the right website support company for me?

Just like you wouldn’t ask any old Joe Blow to service your car, you shouldn’t ask any old company to run your regular support and maintenance. Your website is a complex and technical ecosystem and you need to keep all of these moving parts in mind when updating your site or fixing errors. Working with a sub-par company could create more problems than it solves.

So how do you weed out the good from the bad? Simple — work with dedicated website support technicians. Specialised teams, like the ones at AdVisible, know exactly what to look for when conducting your site maintenance and will ensure your website is performing at its best around the clock. Check the company’s website to get an idea of their services: is support and maintenance something they advertise? If not, it’s time to look elsewhere. It’s also a good idea to review the inclusions in their website support plan to ensure they’re not missing anything (for example, regular plugin updates or back-ups).

Another way to gauge their quality is to look at their case studies and current clients. Ask to see examples of clients who have worked with them for website support and maintenance — and, if possible, try to talk to the clients directly. Any website support company worth its salt will be happy to put you in touch with their clients to talk about their services.

Why is AdVisible a leading provider in website support?

We have a team of expert developers and website technicians that work around the clock to ensure your site performs at its best. We’ve been maintaining websites for over a decade, so we know what it takes to keep your website running smoothly.

We’re also in it for the long haul. We want to partner with you and support your website as your business grows over time. Our technicians get to know your business, your industry, and your website intimately. This gives them the context they need to keep your site running smoothly for your customers, while also identifying opportunities for improvement. Your website’s continued success is our M.O.

But don’t just take it from us. We’ve helped countless businesses with website support and maintenance, and have a host of happy clients to show for it. Contact us today to get started.