Tiny Mobile Homes move into PPC with a 2,244% Increase in Conversion Actions!

  • 0 Increase in Conversion Actions
  • 0 Increase in Clicks
  • 0 Increase in Impressions

Stats So Far

  • 2,244% increase in Social Media conversion actions
  • 762% in conversions (Google Ads) in 3rd month, against 1st
  • 52.34% increase in Google Ads conversion rate
  • 68.5% in impressions (Google Ads) in 3rd month, against 1st
  • 90.8% in clicks (Google Ads) in 3rd month, against 1st
  • Reached 116,714 users in just over 4 months (Social Media)


Tiny Mobile Homes is a builder group that prides itself on building small portable custom modular homes and offices. For a booming niche product, we knew that if we could get a lot of qualified attention for the ads, then the campaigns had the potential to be very lucrative for the client.

Within the span of 5 months, Advisible worked to understand the data profile of Tiny Mobile Homes’ key customer base and optimise our PPC campaigns to target people most likely to be interested, whilst reducing the cost per click.

Our Approach

Google Ads

The number #1 goal of this branch of the campaign was increased sales, which we’d achieve through focussing on qualified traffic. We knew Google Ads as a great tool to aggressively rank higher in the search results for longer enquiries in an exponentially growing market: property. Using data, we analysed relevant keywords and competitors to make a highly competitive and efficient bidding strategy.

Social Media

Tiny Mobile Homes had not run social media ads previously. We optimised our ads for the website enquiry form so that the leads coming through would be more qualified than on-Facebook lead generation. For such a high-ticket niche product, quality leads were crucial. We knew if we got this right, our client was set to make a remarkable return.

Results So Far

2244% Increase in Conversion Actions
As a lead generation business model, quality leads were Tiny Mobile Homes’ bread and butter. Through 200+ conversion actions through social media, we’re proud to call our efforts a success!
90.8% Increase in Clicks
This meant engagement was through the roof. The client was overjoyed. Every step closer to an enquiry has massive implications for sales and future sales through consideration. A single acquisition could result in an $80,000+ sale. We claimed LOTS of steps with an overall 68,278% increase in clicks (Google Ads) in just over 4 months!
68.5% Increase in Impressions
Demand for property is hot. While tiny portable homes are more niche, competition between builders has been growing with more on the market. Even so, we ranked well in our Google Ads to make the client incredibly visible with a 24,520% overall increase in impressions in just over 4 months!

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Andrew Hou CEO & Co-Founder
Ivan Teh Digital Strategist & Co Founder
Jennifer Valverde People & Culture Manager