Ausbeds springs up their Goal Conversion rate by 2,533%

  • 0 Increase in Goal Conversion rate
  • 0 Increase in Keyword Indexation
  • 0 Increase in Add to Cart

Stats So Far

  • 2,533% increase in organic goal conversion rate
  • 1,746% increase in organic goal completions
  • 40% increase in organic traffic
  • 100% increase in emails enquiries
  • 360% increase in keyword indexation from 622 to 2739


Ausbeds is a custom mattress company with a difference. On top of selling mattresses made from their Australian based workshop, Ausbeds also provides a service that lets their customers get their mattresses adjusted to their preferences.

Ausbeds wanted to become more visible in the search engine results to drive higher sales for its products while ensuring that its customers didn’t lose sight of its unique selling point. AdVisible suggested a new SEO strategy to index more relevant keywords to spring up Ausbeds’ rankings in the search results.

Our Approach


Our SEO specialists conducted a thorough SEO audit of the Ausbeds website and competitor analysis to understand where the client stood compared to other suppliers. We fixed orphan URLs, created new optimised category content, built up backlinks, structured how metadata would appear in the search results, and optimised their Google My Business listing to raise Ausbeds’s overall presence online.

SEO Research

Results So Far

2,533% Increase in Goal Conversion rate
Every SEO strategy is customised to partner with the goals of the client and the opportunities that our SEO specialists identify from their audits. With smashing goal conversion rates, we knocked these goals out of the park!
360% Increase in Keyword Indexation
Keyword indexation, where Google discovers and catalogues your content for its search results, is critical for expanding a website on search. With a leap of 360% in Google indexation, we raised Ausbeds' presence online to make it much easier for a hot audience to find.
100% Increase in Add to Cart
All the work for visibility would mean nothing for the client if profits weren’t also coming in. With a 100% increase in clicks to add to cart, Ausbeds was also able to see the results in financial terms as well.

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Andrew Hou CEO & Co-Founder
Ivan Teh Digital Strategist & Co Founder
Jennifer Valverde People & Culture Manager