Business Photography Services

  • Showcase your products and services with stunning photography
  • Improve brand perception and differentiation
  • Create desire for your products with beautiful imagery
  • Increase conversions and build trust with users
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Trusted by leading Australian companies

What Our Clients Say

“It was clear to see their proposal was tailored to our business. It wasn’t just a cookie-clutter response that shows what they do for every other company that they work for. The guys have already gone in, done their research, looked around, looked at what they could improve things and have already created a bit of a framework.”

Kat Diprose
Marketing Manager
Bisley Workwear

“What AdVisible did is they opened up our mind and they opened up our business to multiple platforms… It’s the first time we’ve ever had a really good positive consumer acquisition cost. We try to aim for a very specific number and they hit that within the first two weeks which is unheard of. Advertising is going really well.”

Marketing Director
Lockeroom Gym

“I was expecting AdVisible to show me some changes within about 6 months. But within the first month, I already saw increases in sales. I went from doing 4 sales a week to 4 sales a day, almost overnight and it’s only grown from there. It’s been an amazing experience to see how fast the business has grown with the help of AdVisible.”

Stu Shannon
Growth Labs Australia

“A lot of the agencies over promise and under deliver. But when we met AdVisible they asked us all the right questions and over delivered.

Other than delivering a fantastic website and profitable advertising campaigns, the biggest benefit has been working with an agency that actually cares. The benefits of working with AdVisible, have been greater and greater the longer we’ve been partners. We continue to see great improvements every year.”

Daniel Chanisheff
Practice Principal
Green Square Health

“Having a professional digital marketing agency such as AdVisible on board when we launched, helped us grow and scale quickly. The new website they designed and campaign results exceeded our expectations.

What’s even better is AdVisible have a genuine interest in not only our brand and products, but also our continued growth.”

Jie Yu
Let's Face It

After being with another company managing our SEO and Google Ads, we were left very disappointed by a lack of results and understanding of our business. We went in search of a company that could deliver what they promised, and AdVisible did just that.

If you want a team dedicated to ensuring your success, I cannot recommend AdVisible more highly – they truly deliver on their guarantee!

Daniel Linnett
Sydney Photographic Workshops

Bring your brand to life with bespoke photography services

Grab attention
Striking images that leave a lasting impression

Build trust
Add credibility to your business with beautiful imagery

Brand differentiation
Stand out from competitors with eye-catching photos

Fuel conversions
Reassure customers of your product quality

Capture your products in the best light

You’ve probably heard that a picture is worth a thousand words. But in the age of social media, it’s also worth a thousand dollars to your business — or more. The right business photography does more than show your products to potential customers. It inspires your target audience, creates demand, and ultimately has them adding items to their cart like it’s nobody’s business.

Not a professional photographer? Don’t worry…we are. Our photography experts work every angle to showcase your brand and products effectively to potential customers. Armed with a suite of pro equipment and an incredible eye for detail, we snap, shoot and touch up your images, so you make the best possible impression with your target audience.

Increase sales with inspiring, accurate imagery

If you’re an eCommerce business, your product images are all you have. Customers want to know what they’re buying before they commit to the purchase. That’s why they scour the internet for images and reviews from other customers, in order to gain that reassurance that they’re making the right purchase decision.

We put your audience at ease with business photography that captures your products and services in striking detail. From mouth-watering food shots to product photo shoots and in-situ imagery, our photos will leave no doubt in their mind that you’re the absolute best in the business.

Enhance brand perception and credibility

In a world where competition is fierce, your brand perception is everything. If a consumer feels like your business is trustworthy, they’ll be more willing to purchase your products or try out your services. On the flipside, if you’re only using stock images, that’s a surefire way to turn customers away from your business…and drive them straight to your competitors.

Our business photography team uses industry-leading equipment and a trained eye to capture high-quality snapshots of your products and team in action. We look through the camera lens from a customer’s perspective, as well as from a creative perspective. This enables us to shoot images that build trust with your audience and have them converting, pronto.

Featured Business Photography Services Projects

Our photography and videography approach

Professional photographers make the creative process look easy, but make no mistake — it requires careful planning and strategy. Over the past decade, we’ve built a proven four-stage approach for business photography services to showcase your products in the most effective way possible.

Andrew Hou CEO & Co-Founder
Ivan Teh Digital Strategist & Co Founder
Jennifer Valverde People & Culture Manager
  1. 1. Research and discovery

    We start out by learning all about your business and your customers. Our team conducts thorough research to understand the types of images that resonate best with your audience, and what the industry best practices are. We also look into your competitors, to identify how we can differentiate your brand using photography.

  2. 2. Strategy and planning

    A successful photo shoot requires careful consideration and meticulous preparation. Our photographers consider everything in their strategy and planning session, including shoot conditions, lighting and angles, a shot list, and contingency plans. We also prepare a detailed breakdown of when and where we’ll be shooting, and the talent that needs to be involved.

  3. 3. Photography shoot

    Point and click! This is where the true magic begins. Using state-of-the-art equipment, our photographers snap beautiful images of your products and services in action. Plus, if you (or a team member) are in the photos, we make you feel at ease in front of the camera. Don’t worry — we’ll get your good side.

  4. 4. Post-processing and approval

    Editing is an important part of the photography and videography process. In the post-processing phase, we make the colours pop, play with exposure and adjust the composition, so your photos look jaw-droppingly beautiful. We’ll then share our image selection with you and tweak it based on your feedback, to ensure you’re happy with the finished product.

Contact us for a FREE creative consultation

We’ll help you bring your products to life with our business photography services. Reach out to us today to get started.

Frequently asked questions

What does business photography include?

Professional photography services offer businesses some serious sparkle and pop when it comes to selling products, and selling themselves as a brand. A photographer will capture your images in striking and beautiful detail, ensuring your best selling points are on show.

Photoshoots are highly customisable, and are planned in detail well in advance. This means nothing is left to chance — each photoshoot begins with a clear plan of who will be there, which photos will be taken, which props will be needed (if any), what kind of lighting will be used, what happens if it rains (for outdoor shoots), and much more.

The result is a large series of professional images covering a variety of angles, settings, and lighting. You receive a collection of the best images, each professionally edited to bring out the best in each one. These can be used for promotional materials, your website, product pages, and anything else you need them for.

Why is professional business photography important to my business?

Business photography isn’t an optional part of running a company — it’s compulsory. Customers and clients will be quick to disregard images that are clearly amateur, and stock photos aren’t enough to provide any kind of detail or information about your products and services.

Professional business photography services will provide you with a series of exceptional images showcasing your products and services that you can use across your website, product pages, brochures, direct marketing, and other promotional materials. A single photoshoot can give you a huge supply of visual content that will give you fresh material to use for months and years to come.

With customers shopping online more than ever before, and everyone preferring to see images of products and services to verify their quality, high-quality photos are absolutely vital for making sales.

How long until I receive my images?

The minimum turnaround time for any kind of photoshoot is usually 1-2 weeks.

This isn’t how long it takes us to move the images from memory cards onto a file for you – this time is spent going through each image, choosing a collection of the best, and carefully editing each one. This includes cropping, altering the contrast and lighting, and generally bringing each photo up to a professional standard so that it absolutely shines whether it’s on your website, social media channels, or printed materials.

The larger the photoshoot, the more images there are to go through, so the time it takes to receive your business photography will vary. Of course, we’ll get it to you as quickly as we can, and we can always chat about making certain images a priority if you’re in a rush. We will give you a better idea of a timeframe for your particular project once we have completed the photoshoot.

Do I own my image assets?

You certainly do! It’s not uncommon for some business photography services to hold onto your images by law, so be wary of any contract that stipulates that anyone but you actually owns the photos.

At AdVisible, we hand over everything to you to do with it as you please. We would of course advise against making any major changes to the images of your own (we have pros on hand for that), but really, they’re all yours.

How do I find the right business photographer in Sydney?

There’s no shortage of business photography services out there, which is great news for you as it gives you a smorgasbord of options. Finding the right one for your brand can be a challenge, so you’ll need to keep an eye out for certain skills and experiences.

The first and most obvious question is: Do you like their work? Photographers provide ample examples of their work online, making it easy to quickly scroll through and decide if their skills match your vision for the brand.

A less obvious question is: Can they help you to strategise for your brand? Great photographers don’t just snap beautiful images, they also take the time to understand your products and services, audiences, competition, branding, and goals, then use this information to make a plan about how to best capture your offering in a way that will help you to stand out from the crowd.

At AdVisible, our team of photographers are highly skilled, with more experience than you can shake a stick at. Let us show you our stunning work examples and prove that when it comes to photography in Sydney, we’re one of the very best. Reach out for a free consultation to get started.