App Boxer Punches Above Its Weight In Google Search

  • 0 Increase in email clicks
  • 0 Increase in competitive focus keywords
  • 0 Increase in CTR (Google Ads)

Stats So Far

  • 250.55% increase in conversion for Google Ads, 98.1% increase in conversions for SEO.
  • 98.5% increase in organic visits.
  • 230% increase in email clicks in just 6 months.
  • 117% increase in competitive focus keywords.
  • Achieved a 44% surge in organic traffic thanks to a three-pronged SEO strategy.
  • 49% increase in new users in 6 months.
  • Reduced CPA by 46.15%.


App Boxer creates innovative mobile development services for both enterprises and small businesses that offered incredible user experience and marketed a company’s business objectives. While App Boxer succeeded in building app solutions, they lacked the same innovation when marketing its services online. They required our experienced digital marketing experts to generate quality leads, boost user experience and increase overall revenue using PPC advertising and SEO.

Our Approach


From an SEO perspective, our site audit into App Boxer’s website demonstrated a decline in conversions due to a leaky marketing funnel. We developed a comprehensive three-pronged strategy involving on-page and off-page analysis, and a technical audit to ensure their customers found value in their website and rank their site higher on Google!

Google Ads

With the central focus on improving lead generation, we developed a new Google Ads strategy that refined keyword targeting and created intent-based ad groups with new ads that directed their prospects most likely to convert into leads to App Boxer’s landing page and most relevant service pages.

Results So Far

906% Increase in email clicks
When it comes to making sales and skyrocketing growth revenue in a B2B business like App Boxer, obtaining quality leads is key! Thanks to our comprehensive SEO site expansion, business is booming- An amazing feat since app development is steadily growing more competitive each day.
217% Increase in competitive focus keywords
With businesses continuing to digitise their service and payment processes, competition in the app development industry is undeniably fierce. By providing fresh and relevant content enriched with high-volume search terms, we assured B2B prospects were in the right place, at the right time!
220.56% Increase in CTR (Google Ads)
We ensured our ads were as relevant to App Boxer’s app development services to attract high quality leads as much as possible. With high ad relevance, it allowed for higher Quality Scores and therefore reduced the client’s average cost per click. With a lower cost per click, we were able to get a higher number of clicks for the same budget!

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Ready to grow your business with the best digital marketing agency in Sydney?

Request your free audit today. We’ll increase your visibility, drive more leads and skyrocket your sales.

Andrew Hou CEO & Co-Founder
Ivan Teh Digital Strategist & Co Founder
Jennifer Valverde People & Culture Manager